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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Always have brown rice and wholemeal pasta unless it really doesn't suit the meal. Wholemeal spaghetti is a bit odd but it kind of works.
  2. http://www.flickr.co...157632363609514 (Not really, but I'm so used to searching for "[food product] and baked beans" to post in CT-related food threads that I pretty much do it automatically now)
  3. I'm pretty much immune to cheesy pop. Chris Martin's voice on the chorus of "Yellow", on the other hand...
  4. And if he does have problems then the last place he wants to be is the internet. His family must surely notice how much time he spends pursuing online vendettas and how much it winds him up, you'd think anyway...
  5. They lifted the visa requirement for ticket-holders iirc. Suppose it's different when it affects so many people.
  6. Went to the CMA Songwriters Series acoustic gig in that London last night. Kristian Bush, Bob DiPiero, Brett James and Chris Young. Had to perch on a ledge to see anything, but this is the price you pay for going to the kind of gig where the punters wear cowboy hats. Yee-haw!
  7. Well this is an unexpected turnup...
  8. Couple of years when between relationships. I've never really been one for casual sex (I know, another reason to surrender my Gay Card), although I suppose things might have been different if the likes of Grindr had been around in my free and single days.
  9. Then that makes sense as part of a wider plan, definitely. It's just that sometimes your focus on the weight side of things (especially at this time of year) can come across a bit like "if I make my target I can eat pies again!" - the long-term trend is far more indicative than what happens from day to day. (And I realise I'm hardly one to talk on that front. ) But aye, an improved diet means further weight loss should come naturally too, if you're sticking to that after this month as well. In which case, my apologies for inadvertently prompting you to buy the Silver Spoon.
  10. As long as you're not confusing "losing weight" with "becoming healthier", then that's fine I guess. A goal's a goal.
  11. Not even sure essembeeofsunderland supports the theory of evolution.
  12. Wey they could start by scanning that fucking article.
  13. Counting the minutes until CT starts an "Installing a slide at home - any tips?" thread in General Chat.
  14. It's a darn good thing we sold Ralf Keidel.
  15. Is there a legible version of that article kicking about anywhere? Would be interested to read it and it doesn't seem to be on their website.
  16. Now at least books are one area where I know you're out of your depth.
  17. Short-sighted, irresponsible lending predicated on infinite and neverending house price growth, leaving the banks in question hugely vulnerable to changes in the markets they relied on? I never had you down as a fan of Brownian theory.
  18. ...such as packages of no-deposit mortgages.
  19. The above is the landscape that caused the recession!
  20. Indeed. Lost his seat at the last election, straight on to HIGNFY the next day. Boris would be proud. Although I did just check, and unfortunately you have to be an MP to be LD party leader. Would have paved the way for some truly left-field nominations otherwise.
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