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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    I'd ask who'd let their baby vom all over my dinner.
  2. http://www.travelandescape.ca/2013/07/russia-says-it-will-arrest-openly-gay-tourists/ First Qatar, now Russia. Good work, FIFA, good work.
  3. Her boyfriend's a right twit, twoo.
  4. Oh now that's just lovely.
  5. He posted that at 11:59 p.m. "Still up with the kids?" more like it.
  6. Maybe Kate will die in a car crash. What game are we playing again?
  7. Meenzer


    The garlic isn't amazing, I agree. The ginger is fine. As for the first sentence, I refuse to bite.
  8. Meenzer


    Use this: http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=251981421 For once I'm not even kidding - it's shocking value, but I use it because I'm lazy and I don't use ginger all that often so most of the fresh stuff tends to get chucked away. It's shredded more coarsely than you'd get with a grater, but it takes seconds to chop it a bit finer with a sharp knife (if required) before chucking it into the pan.
  9. Interesting choice of verb.
  10. We don't do that, we just take turns paying (approximately - although I'm sure there are some couples who keep a diary ).
  11. I get £20 back on £1000 with my Tesco Clubcard if that counts? I suspect it's a throwback to having moved to Germany right at the start of my "adult" life, they've been suspicious of credit there ever since the Weimar Republic. There's still tons of shops and restaurants that won't accept credit cards at all, so it never crossed my mind to get one.
  12. Hadn't considered a joint credit card (it's a decent idea really), but then I don't have a credit card anyway. Is that weird?
  13. Similar here (and we're effectively living "as married"). Utilities and rent come out of my account and he pays me half; he tends to pay for all the one-off stuff (holidays, stuff for the house etc.) and I'll pay him my half afterwards. It's a 30-second job on internet banking these days so it's not like it's a big imposition. I can see the point of a joint account if it's an additional account into which you both pay for covering (e.g.) utility bills and the like, while keeping your own separate accounts too. But only having a joint account and nowt else, particularly when we're both in gainful employment... nah. If I want to spend the whole day in the pub on a Suuuuper Sunday or he wants to blow silly money buying dodgy 1990s country CDs on eBay, we shouldn't have to worry about explaning the expense to each other afterwards. (For the record, he earns less than me, but then I did cradle-snatch him when he was 19.)
  14. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/10180552/Gay-marriage-clears-the-House-of-Lords.html Wey there we go.
  15. http://www.neatorama.com/2013/07/14/Please-Send-Pizza/ CT, could be worth a try.
  16. http://www.brookings.edu/research/essays/2013/deadly-triangle-afghanistan-pakistan-india-d?utm_expid=23328448-5 Sticking this in here for want of an obvious place for it. Long but very readable piece on the Afghanistan/Pakistan/India situation, past, present and future.
  17. You shouldn't put yourself down like that. Some of them have nice arses too.
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