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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I didn't - you'll be UKIP before long.
  2. Although I suppose it's mildly ironic that my plan in the event of a UK withdrawal from the EU is to emigrate immediately.
  3. If there were a compelling net benefit to not allowing that immigration to happen, we'd have long since elected a party that would stop it, reactionary sorts that we are. Turns out they all know the real story beneath the headline-friendly soundbites they're happy to issue every so often, hence never actually acting on them.
  4. Oh I see, the immigration-hating taxi driver has a problem with "dark passengers" now
  5. Sure it's not a typo and you mean Pinto Beans?
  6. Did you ask a forum about them or did you finally work out how to use Google?
  7. Ah, apparently it's on Comedy Central Extra. You can tell it's a while since I set the series link... Global Edition tonight, but most nights it's the regular show.
  8. some would say Gary Barlow isn't a cunt.
  9. Exaggeration for comic effect, obviously. But the point remains, if you're anti that kind of immigration then you basically hate Britain.* *Exaggeration for comic effect
  10. What most people want in terms of a knee-jerk "less immigration" response requires us to withdraw from the EU altogether, and the net benefits of EU membership far outweigh the burden of a Lithuanian food shop taking over a unit vacated by a bankrupt bookies on the high street and offending the locals with its foreign words and all.
  11. Here we go... http://www.theguardian.com/sport/2013/oct/14/jamaica-drug-testing-wada-investigation?CMP=twt_gu
  12. "People act like sheep when asked leading questions by Murdoch vehicle" shocker
  13. http://www.theguardian.com/football/quiz/2013/oct/14/football-quiz-england-world-cup-qualifiers?CMP=twt_gu Ingerlund quiz innit.
  14. Ignoring the Buzzfeed-esque YOU NEED TO HEAR hyperbole, some of these are quite cool: http://www.fasterlouder.com.au/features/37164/20-isolated-vocal-tracks-you-need-to-hear-right-now
  15. Why, sir, you should be ashamed of your cheek. Even if it is the only cheek you're able to bare when there are people nearby.
  16. Two very odd sort-of-goals equal one real one, apparently. Not complaining mind, be great if Ethiopia could reach the finals.
  17. Relieved. We've had a friend staying with us for the last 8 or 9 days while he's between flats, and while it's been fine and he's a lovely guy who brings us booze and crisps, now that he's gone again I've realised how totally intolerant I am to sharing my personal space with anyone (other than him indoors, obviously). It's not quite been at the level of The Fish's inability to have a dump if there's anyone else in the house, but it is *so* nice to be able to relax and switch off properly again... am I a selfish bastard?
  18. Meenzer


    Woke up early this miserable rainy morning, so I'm whipping up some roast pepper and cherry tomato soup with a ton of garlic.
  19. Comedy Central has it. On Virgin, anyway, I wouldn't be knowing about that there Sky.
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