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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. This place briefly addressed the novelty tea market. The drinks were pretty rank but pushing the pretty buttons on the funky teapots was always fun.
  2. Boldon Asda didn't have Jehovah so I used tinned ham
  3. He'll have to give them back 187.3 awards in four weeks' time, etc. etc.
  4. At the Bullingdon Club it's antics. When the plebs do it...
  5. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-lord-james-blackheath-wants-2814187
  6. I'm very much on the side of the espresso nowadays. A regular cup of coffee I get bored with halfway through. Espresso is ideal for the palate with a short attention span and the nervous system with a desperate need for kicks.
  7. Meenzer


    Makes some of my lentil curries look almost palatable less like cat sick.
  8. Meenzer


    "The Bombay duck or bummalo..." No wonder they found a different (albeit nonsensical) name for it.
  9. Thought that was a myth? Or is it a myth that it's a myth? Prolonged exposure to QI has skewed my critical faculties.
  10. Meenzer


    Tomorrow afternoon: "Couldn't find turmeric at the supermarket. Will breadcrumbs do?"
  11. Meenzer


    Doesn't have to be, for all we invariably associate paella with seafood nowadays - any resort restaurant should have one that's meat-only (often chicken). Bit boring, but if you're not too fond of mussels, squid and co... I presume, based on the above, that I shouldn't be recommending you arròs negre - made with squid ink for that unique colour. It's surprisingly nice but it feels a bit odd eating something that looks like it's come out of a coalmine... Depends entirely what you put into it - it's just rice, onions, stock and "other stuff" after all, and the other stuff is up to you, unless you're trying to impress a Valencian with your authentic grasp of their cuisine. Try this Ainsley simplification as a starting point, it's dead easy to make and you can swap out/add in whatever you fancy really (chorizo instead of ham, different veg and so on). Just no baked beans... promise?
  12. Meenzer


    Cheat's "paella" with plenty of chorizo and prawns.
  13. He sings a song that reminds him of the good times, he sings a song that reminds him of the better times.
  14. The crème de la crème of the fitba world in a show with everything but Yuuuuuuuuuuuul Brynner.
  15. This grips me more than would a muddy old river or your proper shite patter.
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