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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Poor showing from TUTU here. We should get a Bulgarian poster in to replace him. Twice the quality, half the cost.
  2. Coming over here, eating our cheese...
  3. I've changed my mind. He's actually an elephant. You with me, ewerk?
  4. The "school report" tone of that quote from N-O is in stark contrast to Ant's irate ramblings on here/Twitter. I do like this though: "...people who aren't even posting on this forum any more let alone antagonising him recently". Sounds familiar.
  5. Could be a dirty immigrant though.
  6. Amid the tedious Bayern dominance, I hadn't noticed Nuremberg's record at the halfway stage of the season. No wins, 11 draws, 6 defeats, and still not bottom of the table.
  7. I don't know, there's always stodgy clubs like Birmingham or Leicester who think they need a manager like him and who have enough of a glimmer of potential for him to lower himself to the job.
  8. Meenzer


    Tongue was firmly in cheek when I said it though. As such, the gayness of the statement depends on whose cheek it was.
  9. There's even this: http://www.eastcoast.co.uk/miscellaneous-pages/all-aboard-east-coast-trains/all-aboard-east-coast-trains-episode-five/
  10. A million attendees last year, 300 arrests. Some rather more serious crimes than horse-punching though, so it's all relative.
  11. something something penetrating Beardsley's cheeks something
  12. Meenzer


    Note for CT: umami paste has nothing to do with Vic Reeves
  13. Meenzer


    I've just discovered samphire. I feel so behind the curve.
  14. “You can’t ignore the parallels between Kings Langley’s own rich history and the themes in the show such as battling kings and warring families.” I'm reasonably sure you can.
  15. One emoticon and now you're a part of it
  16. I knew I recognised your "gays are the slippery slope to paedophilia" patter from somewhere - you're inadvertently channelling your namesake.
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9pLzNoDblA
  18. Like fuck is CT going to go somewhere without a menu. How would he know what not to Google when he got back?
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