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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Having just pissed in the corner?
  2. Failing that, take the more rustic approach and Clarkson him:
  4. @YouveBeenHodged is magnificent. https://twitter.com/YouveBeenHodged
  5. "We're after your help, too. Security footage of a speedophile disguised as a traffic police training school. He's been getting away with it just off the A167 for twelve years. Do you know him? Have you seen him? Please call."
  6. It's like a coming-out. It's nobody's business really, and yet it is.
  7. So you can get away with your speedo showing 35 in a 30 or 70 in a 60 then. Tricky business...
  8. Or he's just triggered a nuclear meltdown on a screen-sized 8-bit game of Sim City.
  9. Don't let that be said! It'll inflate his head And make his hairline even thinner
  10. For once I wasn't actually having a go, though I'm happy enough for my words to be taken that way
  11. As has the way the Internet has changed. Or at least you notice a different approach to things among people who've always had the internet in their lives and people who discovered it at a later date. I think, anyway.
  12. Meenzer


    I took the liberty of editing the title description.
  13. Chelsea technically swapped Nemanja Matic and £20m for Nemanja Matic.
  14. Though no longer on the gravy train Baldie Fish has no grounds to complain He can fritter away His redundancy pay On a lifetime supply of Regaine
  15. But sadly this 80s recital Had only a limited lifecycle Though he tried eagerly Talent-wise, our CT Was the Ridgeley to Meenzer's George Michael
  16. CT, in a quest to keep eating Without having to move from his seating, Yelled proudly: "Behold! My food never goes cold Now my sofa has underfloor heating!"
  17. Ralf Keidel for an undersoil heating unit
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