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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. A whole new arse A new fantastic rear end vieeeeew
  2. "Which one of you is Jean-Claude Pompt-Du-Pompt? You're a Leconte."
  3. Just had the company techie bods poking around my PC remotely to try and fix a problem. Terrifying.
  4. The Tagespost and the Deutsche Unabhängigkeitspartei will have you deported for that!
  5. That's the official Borussia Mönchengladbach Twitter account saying Luuk de Jong is on his way here for a medical.
  6. Nothing about Gary, Indiana could be weirder than its most famous family.
  7. He's gonna have disquiet on his hands.
  8. I'll keep you informed. (As if you had any doubt!)
  9. John Carew's sister is one of the candidates to represent Norway at Eurovision this year.
  10. http://freakytrigger.co.uk/ft/2010/06/bros-i-owe-you-nothing/?comment-page-all (comments thread included). Should keep you busy.
  11. A double espresso in my grubby mitts and Marvin Gaye live at Montreux on the telly (chalk up another win for Sky Arts). I think I can face the new week well enough. Congrats Rayvin, that must be quite the weight off your shoulders. Don't be a stranger now that you don't need us any more - maybe we need you....
  12. Meenzer


    Fiiine, I've edited the sub-title.
  13. Meenzer


    Can't remember if this got posted elsewhere when it was first published, but anyway: http://www.lequipe.fr/explore/looking-4-gazza/en-index.html Big piece on Gazza by L'Équipe, which they've kindly also translated into English.
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