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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Mind, regardless of the football, anything involving Bari and Cagliari is quite the evocative Italia 90 throwback
  2. Or that the title of "kit historian" can be procured through the ability to say "this stripey shirt look like that stripey shirt!"
  3. You appear to have confused me with someone who wanted your opinion
  4. I swear I'm getting more concern for this than when I came out of the closet. But aye, it's fine. It's not like we intend to be there forever, but while we're at this age it makes sense to be close enough to London to be able to do 1-2 days a week hybrid if necessary (which might become advantageous depending on what happens to me work-wise) and the occasional theatre trip, dahling, while also being far enough away to free ourselves from landlord hell and actually have some money left over at the end of the month again. Manchester was the other option we considered but we'd only have been able to afford to live in a decidedly less salubrious part of town, so we figured why not lean into that idea completely.
  5. It was one of the options we considered, but (for various reasons) we're headed for the Peterborough neck of the woods instead. Aye, I know , but it's fine really. The centre is a concrete mess but it's got all the stuff you need and is really well-connected so you can get out of there easily. So basically it's the Lewisham of England. Should suit us perfectly.
  6. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    Off to glamorous Bradford in December for this double dose of misery.
  7. A self-satisfied chuckle when one Yorkshireman tells another Yorkshireman how great Yorkshire is?
  8. FA Cup: The girl in the Gang - being Wimbledon's physio at 1988 final Good read, this
  9. "As someone who thinks highly of the whole of the North East [...] (even though I've always hated them)"
  10. Representation is important! CT's son needs role models to show him that a chronic lisp is no barrier to being thimply the betht.
  11. Probably for the best. Every time I see his name I go into full Beavis & Butthead mode.
  12. Too right. The western extension of Great Park basically meets the airport runway which means it's in PONTELAND, marra.
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