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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I searched Google for Pudg(e)y Bear to save having to come up with a pun of my own. All I could find was:
  2. Well that's just daft, he's still in a coma
  3. You agree Marveaux should start too!
  4. 300/1 and 500/1 respectively. Quite stingy really.
  5. Left their footprints while trotting through a bog, you say...?
  6. I wish I could say "at least this'll make our defensive performance later look better" and have any confidence in doing so...
  7. Apparently one of the musical stings used during the athletes' parade was the Trololo song. Gutted I missed it.
  8. Although I did appreciate this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/the-official-hotness-ranking-of-the-caymen-islands-olympic-t
  9. Meenzer


    Otherwise known as "bathtime chez CT"
  10. Meenzer


    Consider yourself followed. Liver is one of those things I'll have a craving for every couple of years then not want to go anywhere near again.
  11. Well done Cath, even if you're already regretting ever having mentioned it.
  12. Yer man and Jamie McClen was a pretty weak partnership on paper but it worked (well, once). Wonder if we could persuade either of them to come out of retirement.
  13. Might as well start a thread for this as there's plenty of related hilarity beyond the actual "sports". Like this:
  14. Source for those quotes about Kinnear in the Chronicle?
  15. Get a bad 'un and you're sorted for anecdotes for life.
  16. "Thanks for the times that you've given me The memories are all in my mind And now that we've come to the end of our rainbow..." Aye, perfect first date song.
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