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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. He said it in Cockney though, innit
  2. You'll walk the floor the way I do... your slippin' fist will cheat on you
  3. Moaning about it? I'd say Jo Brand revels in it.
  4. You'd think they'd welcome a bit of flooding, save them a bit of bother filling the thing.
  5. Meanwhile in 1997... LL Cool J samples Chaka Khan for the Beavis & Butthead soundtrack. http://freakytrigger.co.uk/popular/
  6. What I want to know is whether anyone has questioned their age.
  7. There are far more men who'll say/think "I don't find any female comedians funny" than there are women who'll say/think "I don't find any male comedians funny". The public gets what the public (thinks it) wants.
  8. And this magical thing called electricity
  9. Meenzer


    Mind, the fella doesn't eat nuts (ironic I know) so I'd be forced to finish off the whole cake aaaaall by myself.
  10. Meenzer


    Sounds good actually!
  11. Meenzer


    Is there anything interesting you can do with parsnips that isn't roasting or soup? (Aye aye, no funny answers mind. ) Picked up about 20 of the buggers for £1 at the end of the market the other day and I'm already out of inspiration.
  12. Just been catching up with the opening ceremony. So many lovely classical themes, familiar to millions from the Tetris soundtrack.
  13. I'd have thought Gideon's Help to Buy scheme would have been right up your offspring's street, CT.
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