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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    Hence eating Texas BBQ Pringles.
  2. https://twitter.com/ChrisJackson_84/status/447848689789591553/
  3. You would be by the time you were finished with it.
  4. Just the five espressos in the morning instead of six.
  5. Leave Pardew out of it.
  6. So, this doesn't usually happen...
  7. Brock's non-culinary second career is going well.
  8. I don't know about picketing. A fuckoff great Mardi Gras, though...
  9. NO GEMMILL Really rather nice on ice with a slice (of orange).
  10. ...and didn't they build good motorways and make the trains run on time?
  11. I originally got to know my fella in a Eurovision IRC chatroom so I can't be too hypocritical. But aye, you get some strange types... (We were, I hasten to add, both using our real names. I don't refer to him as iloveagnetha_1985, neither am I known as WOGAN4LIFE.)
  12. No, this place is our match.com and Gaydar all rolled into one.
  13. I go drinking with the Fish, it always was.
  14. Aye, all is well. And a night out on the sugary drinks has a similar morning-after effect in terms of headaches and impaired sleep, so I've even managed to replicate that part of the routine.
  15. Cleanliness is next to godliness. But then I did get my dictionary from Home Bargains.
  16. I doubt I will, but that's thoughtful of you.
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