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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    And then some. I'm amazed the bedsheets stayed on overnight.
  2. Make some dough, add some love, let it bake. Wait for it.
  3. Of course. You're just vetting it for him.
  4. Meenzer


    I'm making a lentil and cabbage curry.
  5. http://www.kerrang.com/16744/9-album-sleeves-20-years-later/
  6. Bought a Chinese takeaway with pub quiz winnings once, does that count? (Although this does illustrate another difference between me and Stevie - he'd call it a chinkies. )
  7. Won a weekend break in Évian in a competition on the Guardian website once. Couldn't really be more middle-class.
  8. Attention-seekers Anonymous? Awareness Astray? Attention-span Absent?
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcAnb_RnSTU
  10. I hope they gave the goat a nice winter jacket for the next year. They could call it Goat In A Coat Island, too, which would be nice.
  11. Hah, true. Still, what's 250 metres and an international border between friends?
  12. http://www.policymic.com/articles/86975/15-famous-landmarks-zoomed-out-tell-a-bigger-story
  13. Tooj has the same info, courtesy of me. I hope they both print it out and compare notes. And an overnighter in the 'dam, what could possibly go wrong? Shame they weren't there this weekend just gone, or they could have had a close encounter of the Wurst kind...
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