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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. This is - unironically - my attitude entirely. Nothing I do (or can afford to do) leisure-wise would come close to the environmental impact of adding one more person to the planet. Plus I do nice things for other people's kids like organising events that give them a better chance of staying healthy and active over their lifetime. So fuck all y'all, I'm off to Lanzarote.
  2. Not only do I now have a Tory MP for the first time since the days of dodgy Piers Merchant, but it's a safe Tory seat too, since not all of Peterborough is in Peterborough constituency. So at least I can vote with my conscience. If I can find it.
  3. "The proposal originally involved Ryan Fraser but was subsequently improved". Harsh.
  4. Under Ashley I probably would have been...
  5. Financial literacy is for lefty cucks
  6. The Ivy Road shooting! The most exciting thing to happen in Gosforth since Donna Air.
  7. That's a terrible slur on the reputation of Khizanishvili & Sons.
  8. Congratulations! We'll get CT to send you a selection of his finest cryptocurrencies.
  9. Nothing says "I'm a free thinker, not like you sheeple" quite like following an instruction to use the exact same profile picture and video content as all the other free thinkers
  10. 🎶 Oh Mandy Well, you came and you gave without raping 🎶
  11. Toni Erdmann. Interesting without necessarily being good.
  12. This is the second least surprising revelation of the day after CT becoming a crypto bro.
  13. A delight to note that, after the initial story broke, the social media rumour mill took approximately four nanoseconds to start pointing the finger at Graham Norton, Rylan, Alan Carr, and all the other most wildly unimaginative choices you could possibly come up with. Although it says a lot about the whole situation that I've waited until now to complain about this lack of imagination just in case it turned out to be one of them after all.
  14. Took Denton Dene good and proper, marra
  15. "Keen to be thought of as something he's not: alive."
  16. That 18-minute period in the first half is funnier than any TV comedy I've seen. Even the Mindy Project.
  17. That has to be one of CT's Etsy specials.
  18. If I had to bet on someone on here to have been thrown off a local community Facebook group, mind...
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