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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I owned the single and played it to death, but yep, that's the first thing I think of when I think of the song too Loved that show. Perhaps a little bit too much.
  2. I wonder if that's "our" Pjwhitfield..... https://quotabl.es/quotes/by/rolf-harris/most-loved
  3. It'll still be in that quote now even if he does. Good work.
  4. Birth In Reverse is the one with the laughably bad opening couplet, right?
  5. Cath - lovely stuff, CT - keep it up, Gemmill - stop showing off. I've put on quite the weight during Matt's stag week. Looking forward to sweating it all off again.... in bed.* * on the cross-trainer
  6. I glared at my Kindle resentfully throughout. That'll learn 'em.
  7. People nearby are being happy on a late-night train. I don't like it.
  8. I just ignored that advice tbh. Controlling your breathing is definitely good, but slowing it down that much just felt ridiculous.
  9. Aye, well done. Two days is more than you usually stick at a hobby.
  10. Meenzer


    Happy birthday m'dear
  11. Good luck with it Cath, I bet you'll surprise yourself
  12. Random thread bump, I know, but this was quite a read: http://www.bostonglobe.com/metro/2014/04/12/loss-and-love/a19pcWz6WF5nNozPPItwYI/story.html
  13. Because it's too much effort to post every time.
  14. He's not complaining about it man. Good work Fisticles
  15. Don't know if it's the kind of thing you want, but him indoors has just this minute been bending my ear about Podcast Addict. Two nerd thumbs up from the other sofa, apparently.
  16. Meenzer


    I genuinely can't look at people posting nice things in this thread any more without wondering how CT is going to badger them for the recipes then bastardise and butcher them.
  17. I shall be tuning in for Therapy?, naturally.
  18. If you're already running 3.6km, this programme is not for you.
  19. I take back what I said earlier, Nashville might actually be too straight for you.
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