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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. That doesn't make it any better!
  2. Not a mental image I required.
  3. "How to resist shoving that tube in a little too hard when your patient calls you a Mackem"
  4. Aaaaand there's your happy drug.
  5. Never fully warmed to them tbh, didn't think they quite had the music to back up the talk. "Guerrilla Radio" and "Sleep Now In The Fire" are decent gym companions though.
  6. Robb Flynn was a proper wally like, but aye, can't knock "Davidian" for its Mayfair dancefloor value (and I'll stand up for "The Burning Red" as being a consistently decent album too, for all they'd got a bit slick by then).
  7. http://www.rocklistmusic.co.uk/kerrang.html#1993 Look at those lists for 1993 and 1994 man. Some cracking stuff. And some absolute shite.
  8. I remember the NWOBHM relics in the letters pages getting all huffy when they started covering Nirvana and Pearl Jam, bless their little leather wristbands.
  9. I read Kerrang!, but I presume that's not what you mean.
  10. Yes! It's called... ....wait for it... ...I said wait for it... ... ..... ......... ....a bottle of white.
  11. I remember watching a bit of the rhythmic gymnastics last time round, lasses from Guernsey and Malta who literally couldn't throw a ball in the air, run a bit then catch it again. Quality.
  12. Now that opens up a whole different can of worms.
  13. I agree consistency would be desirable. Social and societal mores dictate otherwise, though.
  14. Your point was that the drug that's legal, regulated and easiest to get hold of is the one that damages the fuck out of the most people. The leap from that to "let's legalise and regulate other drugs too" is a curious one.
  15. Partly because alcohol is legal so it's a lot easier to get hold of.
  16. I take my life into my own hands simply by getting on a cross-trainer, frankly.
  17. There was a bike fatality at a pretty nasty junction near here a year or two back, the next day you saw people taking the same risks as usual (skipping red lights, cutting across oncoming traffic to mount the opposite pavement etc.) right by a huge mass of floral tributes. Makes you wonder.
  18. Still, there are worse things to spend your money on: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/businessman-charged-75-for-three-small-bottles-of-water-in-london-hotel-9633762.html
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