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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Aha, interesting stuff that Gemmill. Running embarrassingly shouldn't be a problem.
  2. Oh and HF, what Gemmill says sounds sensible to me. Mind I've not really progressed beyond 5k yet this time round, mainly because even that's still a right slog. Ideally want to get a bit faster at that (which is happening, just veeeery sloooowly) before I think about distance.
  3. Second spin class since I started going again. I sense I ought to feel more wrecked afterwards, but then I'm working, breathing hard and sweating more or less constantly throughout (charming mental images here, I realise), so I'm not sure what more I can do really. Other than employ someone to actively punish me whenever I flag, perhaps.
  4. In case the distinction needs clarification: Microwaves 'save' a food's nutrition; as a result, its flavour and texture are 'missed'.
  5. I would echo CT's sentiments too, but I have a feeling I read something about Stevie not going to the matches this season. Can anyone confirm? All the best Stevie.
  6. Impressive linguistic skills though.
  7. I remember him from the Bundesliga. Pretty average.
  8. Aye, carrot and stick is fine like, I only got round the Parkrun slog this morning because I knew there were poached eggs in my immediate future
  9. They just had to move the triple jump board forward 2 metres for the Kiribati athlete as otherwise he wouldn't have reached the sand...
  10. Meenzer


    "Couldn't find creme fraiche, will creme de menthe do?"
  11. Swiftly taken down again: https://twitter.com/MazMHussain/status/495234806696140801/photo/1 https://twitter.com/AbiWilks/status/495241575824629760/photo/1
  12. Tickets to see the smashing Gretchen Peters for about the millionth time.
  13. You wonder where it leaves a society when a higher and higher percentage of earnings is having to be spent on housing (whether rented or owned). There must be a tipping point.
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