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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Monsieur Pardieux, with this Faruco you are really spoiling urs!
  2. That's pretty much all I've got left as a voter, I don't trust politicians on anything but I can at least gravitate towards the party that seems to be making the right noises when it comes to protecting the NHS.
  3. "The accident happened on Monday at Last Stop shooting range in White Hills, Arizona." What they don't mention, for some reason, is that the gun-shootin' experience in question is called "Bullets And Burgers".
  4. Wonder how much Mike could get for him...
  5. Silly old Ayatollah, doesn't he know? CT looks like a cherry tomato!
  6. https://twitter.com/FootballerBoobs
  7. He'll draw you one, though.
  8. Well found, considering your memory! I was expecting "Couple of years ago or maybe six or seven, could have been a pub ??"
  9. Isn't that whole post basically just a paraphrase of what Cath said recently? She'll be glad to have been right on the money about the place mind.
  10. I assure you it's CT who says tomato
  11. If only Ashley had freed up more funds.
  12. My fella always used to get pulled over at security control . Turns out his laptop had some overlapping components inside it that looked just like the shape of a gun when viewed on an X-ray screen. Good work, designers, good work.
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