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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    Meanwhile, another spokesman is busy mending broken bridges: https://twitter.com/leazeslad/status/512850550623576064
  2. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    Swiftly bringing home the grave reality of the situation to the Scots.
  3. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    There's a reason my mother left! (Carnaby Street and sex, mainly)
  4. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    Mind, the Swedish far-right got 13% in the latest elections, so they're hardly perfect.
  5. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    Markets are very confident it's a No.
  6. Meenzer


    This was on the local news just now: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/notinmyname-young-british-muslims-stand-4274392 Won't make a tangible difference as such, but good to see, I guess.
  7. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    They'll be fine, they can just go round the side.
  8. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    Ah yep: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2014/09/15/scottish-independence-result-announced-when_n_5822676.html Should keep Betfair on its toes at least.
  9. As if there isn't plenty of that in St. Georg too
  10. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    I heard somewhere (great, I know) that there isn't even going to be an exit poll announced on the telly at 10pm like you get in a regular election? No idea if true.
  11. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    I can. For the 16-year-old me, I mean; obviously I don't know how thick you were at 16.
  12. Meenzer

    Scots Money

  13. Or possibly a premature one, depending on how thorough the search is.
  14. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    Aye, that's definitely the plan.
  15. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    Yeah, I've been dabbling with Betfair a bit, trading in and out as things have shifted, and "the market" is more certain of a No than it's been for some time. I'm not convinced there's anything to support a price of 5.4 that wasn't known when the price was 3.4 a week ago, but hey.
  16. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    Bashed out a 5K and feeling groovy.
  17. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    "I had a health professional in the taxi yesterday who basically said it's fine to have a double chin so flappy you can pull it over your face and use it as a Jonas Spiderman mask. (Her words not mine)."
  18. Meenzer

    Scots Money

    At the level of pure principle, if I believed it'd result in a considerably more just society (big "if", I realise), I'd be happy to live somewhere with less financial clout and fewer opportunities for the real big bucks. But you can't really phrase the debate along the lines of "being a second-class country like Slovenia would be fine, don't worry". Also I imagine I'd be rather less willing to play dice with the future if I had or was going to have kids or was otherwise less mobile and able to up sticks and head somewhere else if the shit really did hit the fan.
  19. Cheers. DT will be "director técnico", then, which corresponds to Pardew's role (so the translation Kitman found was closer to the mark). Though I was rather hoping "Derek Trotter" might be the foreign lads' nickname for Ashley.
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