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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. But... but nobody was......
  2. In which liberalism creates fundamentalism. http://www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2015/01/slavoj-i-ek-charlie-hebdo-massacre-are-worst-really-full-passionate-intensity
  3. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    Decemberists and Gretchen Peters lined up for the coming months. Should probably go and see someone I haven't seen before at some point really.
  4. You shouldn't try being funny more often.
  5. The chants Rayvin quoted are definitely better. Your ones don't even rhyme.
  6. Thought this was a good read, while we're talking all things Charlie: http://www.lesinrocks.com/2015/01/10/actualite/luz-eyes-us-weve-become-symbol-11545347/
  7. Homeopathic club ownership. NUFC, infused with the memory of football.
  8. Don't know anywhere near enough to know how accurate this is, but thought it was an interesting read all the same: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jan/10/paris-attacks-france-liberal-left-protest-arabs
  9. Did you see the slogan on their website? "WHEN THE WORLD ZIGS. ZAG."
  10. Gordon Taylor has just compared the Ched Evans case to that of the Hillsborough families. More fine work from the PFA.
  11. I'm sorry you feel that way about your weird backwards views on rape.
  12. Bit odd that you think the role of the PFA is to go against the law of the land, but OK.
  13. Oh, right. Let's start with that bit where Ched Evans uses the PFA website to apologise for the "effects" of his rape rather than his actual, you know, raping a woman.
  14. Wait, hang on. I think I've been pretty steady about horrible criminal cunts being horrible criminal cunts. Want to try me?
  15. And for the umpteenth time, the PFA declares that rape is all fine and dandy.
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