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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I hear that, following in Bridget's footsteps, there's another TTer bidding for Westminster glory...
  2. He has a history of thinking that PMs are off-limits and magically exempt from the rules of normal conversation.
  3. One in/one out policy. Poll for who gets kicked out. Corrupt as the old league election system.
  4. One-day ban amnesty on April 1st?
  5. It was his nickname, on account of his generous nature in the gift-buying department.
  6. Written with an agenda, obviously, but still: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/jan/28/-sp-david-camerons-five-year-legacy-has-he-finished-what-margaret-thatcher-started
  7. I was going to, I just can't think of anything. 1. I'm very unimaginative ... 7. PROFIT
  8. Whereas I'm pretty sure I've shared everything there is to know about me at some point or another.
  9. Rapidly approaching the big key change.
  10. Meenzer


    Microwave rice is loads more interesting than it used to be, too - the Tilda Humara range is canny, I wouldn't pay full price but you see them on offer quite a lot. One of those salmon things and a pouch of Khichdi or Hakka and that's some decent limited-work-kitchen-friendly scran and not much more than 500 calories too. Certainly can, I used this one: http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/tarkadal_90055 Used half a tin of tomatoes instead of fresh. No discernible difference.
  11. Not really watching it but having a nibble all the same. Had DR Congo to qualify, also laid Algeria in the "Group C winner" market so we'll see how that pans out tonight. Nothing of the magnitude of Zambia 2012 though.
  12. Meenzer


    Flavours develop over time. I always make chilli the day before if I can. I swear by Iceland's "Fish in Five" microwave range, especially the salmon (and especially especially the florentine sauce one). They rightly get sneered at for their adverts and some of their grottier party food, but in this case they're on the right side of the "convenient and tasty"/"CT's Kitchen Nightmares" divide.
  13. Have you seen how many of the fraudsters are now Syriza members?
  14. (Caught up with a few TiVo'd films recently, The Help and (500) Days Of Summer among them. Both diverting but flawed in their own way. meh/10.)
  15. Meenzer


    Had an unhealthy week so I'm going to have a vegetarian(ish) few days in an attempt to compensate. Industrial quantities of tarka dal are already bubbling away.
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