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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Meenzer


    It's Easter and I'm a bit Swedish, so currently making this (and, of course, a healthy portion of these).
  2. http://www.hitfix.com/the-dartboard/last-night-patton-oswalt-went-on-the-most-epic-twitter-ramage-and-here-it-is
  3. We don't allow tramps in Gosforth, for a start.
  4. The most interesting thing to happen in Gosforth since that fella got kneecapped on Ivy Road.
  5. Meenzer


    Oh balls, good point
  6. It keeps falling down the stairs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayUjkSvdrug
  7. If there's one thing this thread has taught me, it's when to photograph your food and when not to.
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