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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. And nobody would notice the difference afterwards.
  2. Nothing as horrendous as that, thankfully. It just ended up being the word for a button as in the "Post" button that I'm about to click now.
  3. It is indeed. Although it's also Sinitta. http://left-and-to-the-back.blogspot.co.uk/2010/11/second-hand-record-dip-part-65-mojams.html
  4. The official film of the 1958 World Cup just started on BT Sport. Love this kind of thing.
  5. Cheers all. Things should hopefully be starting to get back on a more even keel now, but it's been a strange old time. In the meantime I'm thinking ice cream for breakfast might be the way forward.
  6. My mam's not been well so I'm heading home tomorrow night for a bit of family time over the weekend. "Old people get older" shouldn't come as a surprise but somehow it always is a bit when it's family.
  7. May has taken the aforementioned toll on me as expected, and I'm currently hovering back around the 80kg mark. Not bad all things considered, and I hit my first ever sub-25-minute 5k in Edinburgh on the 9th before the excess began , but I want to push on over the summer and actually get sustainably into the mid-70s for the first time ever. Which will probably mean not buying bag after bag of Maoam Pinballs from Family Bargains. Life is unfair.
  8. Bear in mind this is a grown man who thinks Niall Quinn is Moors Murderers standard in terms of criminal gravity.
  9. The wheat beer one is canny as far as I'm concerned (though Erdinger's is better), the regular Bavaria "lager"... not so much. (But aye, being served ice cold is crucial in any case...)
  10. Bloody FIFA, pandering to the Asian market with their kick-off times.
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