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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Mind, I've been down with a stomach bug for the last three days so I'm quite familiar with the images depicted on that plate.
  2. I can only echo the sentiments expressed by others. Particularly the filthy ones.
  3. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elliothavok/dash-40-wallet-a-minimal-wallet-redefined I am far too susceptible to Kickstarters and the like
  4. If anyone dares to spoil who Cyprus will give their 12 points to at next year's Eurovision, I shall be most irked.
  5. In a moment of weakness late last night, I may have bought an early-bird ticket for this: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-crystal-maze-a-live-immersive-experience/x/11065767#/story
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZ9hZCHjt10
  7. Congratulations to the happy royal couple in Sweden.
  8. I'm sure I've encountered Mako's *skeptical cat* face before... Oh yes, that was it.
  9. En a corrugated cardboard box these days. Gosforth has gone, erm, up in the world.
  10. He scored against us last season, if that helps. Unless you mean you literally only watch Newcastle and ignore the opposition.
  11. Inclines are an absolute sod, I know my regular Parkrun is at Hilly Fields (the clue's in the name) but it's different when it's a longer run. Being a proper genius I managed to plan my run yesterday so badly that 6k to 9.5k was basically a steady draining uphill slog, after the first 3k was mostly downhill. Didn't realise when I was mapping it, only when I was in the middle of it. I thought the first part was suspiciously easy.
  12. Meenzer


    Tonight was risotto with spring greens and peppered mackerel. Looks like slop but tastes sensational.
  13. I had a pie. And have just done a 10k stomp around the mean streets of Gosforth in lycra-clad glory. Clearly the salad approach is the mistake here. Fuel those calves!
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