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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Usually about 7-10 days for me but occasional ones seem to take longer (usually where customs are involved). If he's accidentally put insufficient postage on it then it might have gone surface mail, which would certainly be one explanation for the delay...
  2. Meenzer


    I've just made rhubarb crumble*. *not a euphemism as far as I know
  3. I think you just threw that in because you're you more than because of anything CT said.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zulhqZQn8F4#t=17s
  5. It's certainly helped shift the holiday weight. (CT, I am not recommending this as a WeightWatchers alternative)
  6. My mood is glorious. Only just recovering from a bastard of a two-week stomach bug, and now I've done my Achilles tendon so I'm hobbling around like a right one. At least the two didn't overlap or I'd basically have had to live in the bathroom.
  7. Sometimes a song can travel...
  8. This is still available (including as an mp3) if you fancy a listen: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02twm8v
  9. http://www.buzzfeed.com/kimberleydadds/kanye-west-glasto-subtitles-lol?bftw&utm_term=4ldqpgm#.qtp71bp8E6
  10. There's not a great deal you're going to be able to do about your height at this stage. Well, other than maybe (EDIT: No, I don't know why there's a tiger and a dinosaur either. )
  11. It's the internationally recognised preferred format for cheese.
  12. You will when you see what he calls woman footballers.
  13. ...photos of meals for two, "oh well, I'll just have to eat it all"...
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