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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2015/jul/15/kitchen-gadgets-review-egg-master-horrifying-unholy-affair Do be sure to watch the video.
  2. That's what you get for paying to go to a "reggae-Britpop" gig
  3. Where I'm from, a show involves jazz hands
  4. http://jokideo.com/tag/everywhere-i-touch-it-hurts-you-have-a-broken-finger-jokes/
  5. To the Dunes please. You know, Shields? On the beachfront? Mate... the Dunes? *fires up Uber app*
  6. And the entire plot revolved around retweeting Gillian at Wonga to win a cash giveaway.
  7. http://www.newstatesman.com/world-affairs/2015/07/yanis-varoufakis-full-transcript-our-battle-save-greece
  8. It hasn't gone unnoticed. The biggest Serbian tabloid's headline is "Stronger than Federer and the crowd".
  9. I suppose this sort of illustrates my point about us being very Australian in our mindset.
  10. I'll pass that on to @whateverrandomTwitteraccountitwasIstoleitfrom
  11. The toffs in the crowd must be really angry about Srebrenica.
  12. How much convincing does the man need to go on a stadium tour?
  13. I was going to say, the author's definition of "Europe" surely cannot include the UK.
  14. http://wingsoverscotland.com/the-great-workndole-swindle/
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