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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I'm aware that places do Eurovision screenings, if that's your point...? Next you'll be exclusively revealing the existence of this and this
  2. I work from home but on a full-time contract. I'll let someone else be inspired by this thread.
  3. Oh, you've added the budget thing since I last looked. Fuck knows, I thought this was for unrealistic pipe dreams. If we're being realistic then obviously my own translation firm would be the obvious way to go, the main problem being that I hate every single one of our clients so it's probably best I don't have to deal with them directly.
  4. As for me, obviously a two-roomed bar, non-stop country and western in one room, non-stop Eurovision in the other. No tapas.
  5. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/not-migrant-hordes--people-6165167
  6. No longer living with a fat face.
  7. Mike Williamson (right) fends off a darting run from Dimitar Berbatov
  8. Only for/by a certain slice of the populace.
  9. Maybe it's fulfilling a part of human nature that isn't fulfilled now that we don't know her down the road any more. The "so I says to her, I says" generation had it right.
  10. Just cashed out my Corbyn bet, so that should seal his victory.
  11. Meenzer


    Particularly considering where they're actually from (the drinks, I mean, not the teetotalers). Whereas tons of places down here seem to have them these days (the drinks, I mean, not the teetotalers).
  12. Meenzer


    I swear, caffeine and sugar seem to hit me worse than the booze ever did.
  13. Meenzer


    Major sugar hangover today thanks to Might as well have spiced up each bottle with a generous double considering how rough I'm feeling.
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