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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. On this of all days, absolutely. Know your place, peasants.
  2. Far from indisputable, of course, but it makes you think about how unreasonably attached we are to the concept of nationhood (unless you're CT) http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/its-starting-look-like-germany-
  3. They're brown. The Tories will have no problem when it comes to kicking them out.
  4. Just in time to turn into IS recruits after being rejected by a Western society. Sounds smart.
  5. I was expecting to on last week's road trip, but other than a bit of 5 Live here and there, it was CDs all the way. #so90s
  6. Bona drag and then some. Further for the Celtic fans on the previous page who I've just seen now. Fine work.
  7. Reliably decent scran at Paradiso on Thursday night. Took my Canadian mate to the Gosforth Chippy the other night we were in town, obviously.
  8. Be fair, he wouldn't have liked the waiters if they were sweaties either.
  9. Have been now. Thought it worked pretty well despite being held in a giant inflatable nipple
  10. Partway through the Lakes/Arran/Northumberland trip. Weather's been grand so far - typing this while getting a baldy heed tan on the deck of the Arran ferry. Driving's been fine but I did forego the challenge of the Hardknott Pass and co. (not driving into red deer on Arran has been enough of a challenge). This country is pretty brilliant, at least when you have good luck with accommodation, food/drink and the weather And not running over wildlife.
  11. I've been out at this because I am an appalling hipster sometimes. Anyway, let's talk some more about wanking.
  12. Yes, on the Twitters. Happens to be on the last night of my big road trip and we were going to head out that way at some point anyway, so...
  13. http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/whats-on/magna_laughter2/ This might be of interest to folks of a historical bent. Although I will warn you now that I'm going to be there.
  14. My metric-to-archaic converter tells me I've apparently snuck under something called "12st" this morning, so that's nice. Won't last, since holidays begin on Saturday and I intend to eat a grass-fed local animal every single night, but hey. Still haven't got back to the local hilly parkrun though. I think I might have developed a phobia.
  15. Found you something, CT. http://6dollarshirts.com/product.php?productid=13225&mail=270
  16. Have you been searching the internet for pant-pissing since you mentioned it in the Sheffield Wed thread? Dirty bastard.
  17. 2015, there. And you wonder why people are so happy to swallow the austerity pill.
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