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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Ah. Looks like the original tweet got deleted in the meantime, so I've replaced it with a different one in the above post
  2. The new shadow health secretary does our local parkrun occasionally. Never any of the weeks that I've run it, though. (I'm going to self- myself on this one)
  3. Sum up the depressing state of politics in five words: "But are your principles costed?"
  4. https://twitter.com/TechnicallyRon/status/642656060671696896/photo/1
  5. I've been translating accounting stuff for so long that I reckon I know as much about IFRS etc. as some of the people preparing the accounts (if not more), been thinking about getting some kind of qualification to prove it, but there's not really much point if I don't intend to do anything with it, I suppose... Likewise I should/could probably go and swot up for something like a GCSE in Swedish with the knowledge I've got tucked away in my head somewhere, but there'd be no obvious benefit professionally. Other than being able to swear magnificently. Which is actually quite tempting.
  6. Meenzer


    Happy birthday 11 you
  7. Meenzer

    Drug Fiends

    She doesn't know what you mean.
  8. Meenzer

    Drug Fiends

    But then the richest countries and national associations will be able to afford the best... ah, wait
  9. Ah, those famous Belgian holidays.
  10. The new album's not bad like. The last track is about an airship and is nearly 20 minutes long. What's not to like?
  11. Holy shit, Ozzy almost looks quite hot there. Let's quickly nip that one in the bud Phew.
  12. Canny few friendlies (and goals against Luxembourg) in Bobby's list, but true, no opposition quite as laughable as San Marino. Except maybe the Yanks.
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