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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Besides, it's an international week so it's not like you're missing anything.
  2. Often £650k if the bequeathers* are married, too, since the spouse who dies first can pass on their inheritance tax allowance to the living partner. I'm aware that the insane house price inflation in this country over the last 15 years means a lot of people with quite ordinary houses, especially in the south-east, will now find their estates exceeding this amount when they die - but it's not like you're taxed on the full amount, just the excess above the threshold, so ffs, really. *bequestors? bequest-givers?
  3. A laugh and a "quip". Aye. Definitely not fuming at all.
  4. That's how standers look every time they wipe.
  5. At our age an all-dayer is mightily impressive. Show some respect!
  6. Needless to say, good old Craftywank Grimes is chasing her around and licking her hoop at every opportunity.
  7. That woman is wrong about so much it's almost impressive.
  8. I can't begin to imagine why people from a superior place would have a superiority complex, marra
  9. VAR would rule that out for a marginal offside. You're welcome.
  10. War in the Middle East, ongoing Covid enquiry? Nah, let's go with this for our front page splash.
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