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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Went to this place for sushi (and beyond) in Rotterdam on Friday night, it's a Dutch chain and notionally all-you-can-eat (you order up to six "rounds" of five items each time and they bring it to you sort of tapas-style, but realistically not even CT and Stevie's lovechild would ever make it to round 6), the quality doesn't suffer as a result of the quantity though. Genuinely a little surprised I can already walk again.
  2. I approve of this response mind. Start as heavy as you can so your percentage weight loss is even more impressive. That's hardcore Biggest Loser tactics right there. https://twitter.com/leazeslad/status/653944909251117056
  3. "PRE OWED"? (Well I was hardly going to notice anything else, was I? )
  4. Crap or overpriced/with ideas above their station/too much like an actual restaurant or both, aye. Check out the blurb for our local(ish) place, for example - the fish is actually pretty decent, but all the talk of sustainability and seabass and namedropping "Hugh", howay like.
  5. Turns out Rotterdam is canny. No reason to go there unless you've a reason to go there, but a decent enough place if you do.
  6. https://twitter.com/HealeyCartoons/status/651702800058044416/photo/1
  7. Meenzer


    That's how my dad got it. Me, I'm blaming genetics and Haribo.
  8. Meenzer


    Yeah, the latter's no bother but I'm rubbish at making myself drink water, must do better.
  9. Meenzer


    So it turns out I've got this. Excellent. Then again, after recent issues I was worried it'd be something more serious and I'd be advised off exercising ever again or who knows what else, so at least some (further) lifestyle changes - apparently replacing alcohol with caffeine/sugar hasn't been an entirely smart move - and a daily allopurinol dose ought to start keeping things in check.
  10. Wu aal piss an shite the same.
  11. Meenzer


    700 calories, hits all the main food groups. Balanced power lunch right there.
  12. Stop the presses, this is front-page news.
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