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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. On literally the first page of this thread you tell someone what they shouldn't be discussing.
  2. Meenzer


    That looks dead easy but also potentially fatal. I'll save it for a day when I'm not calorie-counting. Some of my favourite recipes come from the regular Curry Easy book actually, but I haven't got the Veggie one. I'm loath to buy it because I've already got enough cookbooks I don't really use. It's got to the point where I'm actively considering using random.org once a week to pick a cookbook and a page, and I have to make whatever's on that page. Hm. There could be a blog in that...
  3. Meenzer


    Please do, the one time I tried making a saag paneer it ended up like eating chunks of pencil eraser covered in moss.
  4. Meenzer


    Most of my best curry recipes are from Gloomy in the first place.
  5. Meenzer


    It is a bit different aye, and the garlic paste you get from Asian shops is different again. Horses for courses really, sometimes you want fresh because the flavour is going to be more prominent, but in a curry (say) the paste is absolutely fine I reckon.
  6. Meenzer


    Oh aye and I chopped the onion myself. Mind I've said in this very thread that I use lazy garlic/ginger all the time, which I suppose isn't much better.
  7. Meenzer


    Chucked together a really nice squash, courgette and pumpkin seed risotto tonight. I'm not entirely sure I could be more middle-class.
  8. He needs to stop egging them on.
  9. Mind this is why I'd never run for public office, imagine the shite they could dig up from a decade-plus on TT, blind drunk most of the time.
  10. Tim Farron thinks gay sex is an abomination, so the bantz could be considered as toeing the party line.
  11. There's a CurvedCornerWizard or BezelEdgeWizard joke in here somewhere but I can't be bothered to find it
  12. Could be..................................................
  13. Richtig. Off to Berlin in a few weeks for the company's Christmas jolly. Planning on going for a jog around the old Tempelhof Airport site beforehand. The temptation to make aeroplane noises while plodding down the runway will be immense.
  14. Mind, I did like the vibe of Vienna but it helped that we were staying in a largely Balkan Arbeiterviertel with a burek shack on every corner.
  15. It's got to the point where the fella is genuinely considering commuting from Peterborough.
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