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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. But what kind of room? What dimensions? What specifications?
  2. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/society/britain-has-36-4-million-subtly-different-social-classes-20151209104571
  3. http://www.clickhole.com/article/heartwarming-when-terminally-ill-6-year-old-wanted-2866
  4. She turns up on the new André Bratten album, which is also a bit decent.
  5. mean thats what twitter is for.
  6. I thought that was poppers and sweet-talk.
  7. Because what this situation needed was another can of worms being opened. THANKS A LOT, PARKY.
  8. Here's what we've all been waiting for: http://www.popjustice.com/playlists/shite-christmas/139847/
  9. Oh, good point. This system requires greater cuntsideration.
  10. Apparently Yank cunts > Brown cunts in Stevie's Cunt Trumps. Must have been a tough call though.
  11. Buried it. Then detected it and dug it up again.
  12. It's essentially been the Uber model for the past 20-30 years.
  13. Fuck off FIFA http://www.theguardian.com/football/2015/dec/03/world-cup-expand-40-teams-fifa-reform?CMP=share_btn_tw
  14. The big city air quality thing does worry me. I do a lot of my running in the evenings and even on non-main roads you can pretty much taste the accumulated crap you're inhaling. Still better than artificial motion on a treadmill though, I used to bash out 5k and 10k in the gym but I'll only use the treadmill for sprint intervals as part of a wider session now.
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