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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. You pay even less income tax if you don't have any income.
  2. Nah, they wouldn't have heated our ball (so to speak)
  3. It's "n'est-ce pas", actually actually
  4. White chocolate - Isn't chocolate - Is vomit
  5. Could be worse. Ours this year is on a Sunday. In January.
  6. That must have been taken a while back - I can see you nearby, preparing to wipe, but you've still got a full head of hair.
  7. That's shocking. I mean, one of the planes crashed in a field ffs. "Perfection" indeed.
  8. In hindsight the barmy thing about that is it feels like that's what finished off the Major administration, but actually you had the Tim Yeo, David Ashby and Stephen Milligan stories all within about six weeks of each other (and Lord Caithness's wife's suicide too) - more than three years before the 1997 election. At least we'll hopefully be rid of this lot sooner.
  9. My partner was 19 when we first got together. That would have been illegal when Liam O'Brien went over the wall, to pick a historical event at random
  10. It'll just be trying to pretend he's in control on Rwanda. They're going to cling on to power as long as possible in the hope that things turn around for them.
  11. The cashless society tinfoil hat brigade are very real, yes. Mind you, if Parky was still around/alive, I'm sure he'd be one of them.
  12. When he realised it was a great way of meeting stock image patients.
  13. Group F is nicely pedestrian, cue a couple of Penaldo hat-tricks
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