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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. It's the same but cheaper, so people are daft for drinking it...? Bloody English logic, eh?
  2. You should have tried shaving it first.
  3. Meanwhile, in Russia, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3461709/Schoolboy-16-live-Russian-porn-star-hotel-month-winning-online-competition-admits-mother-isn-t-happy-it.html
  4. Some people have been to America, some people own their home. Grass is always greener.
  5. That's the poll that previously had a 9% lead for LEAVE, so that's interesting - seems like Cameron's getting a healthy post-deal bounce both there and elsewhere, be curious to see if it lasts beyond the next wave of scare stories about brown people though.
  6. Spoilers man, I hadn't watched the award show yet!
  7. Has there been any word from any of last season's relegated teams? You'd think they might have a thing or two to say about it.
  8. Gyms are dead useful and all, but get Couch to 5k downloaded and find your nearest Parkrun too. Bit of community spirit works wonders for the motivation, they probably won't serve you 12 pints at the café afterwards mind.
  9. Meenzer


    Suddenly the Tory plans for protecting the NHS start to make sense.
  10. His mam will gently massage his prostate while he drops off, same as every night.
  11. They probably think there's little men and women walking around inside the tellybox too.
  12. Happy birthday cunterheads!
  13. Let's ask the Lib Dems about how that tends to go. .....damn, can't find any
  14. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    And I thought paying £35 for the UK Eurovision final was bad. (OK, it is quite bad.)
  15. https://medium.com/idea-of-europe/why-michael-gove-is-wrong-on-europe-479b50c5f23b#.99lvp1nrt
  16. Hey hey hey, go easy on them! If they've already learned to count to '6 in a row' then they might eventually get to 16 and consider having sex with someone who isn't a child for a change.
  17. Facebook just pushed an advert for this my way. Quality.
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