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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Bound to be plenty of RTGers among those who acted on the encouragement. Well done all
  2. Lack of a 50 cent option disappointing.
  3. The point was clear from the thread title, aye.
  4. I think this is the key point to be noted here.
  5. One would think the thread title would make one inherently suspicious.
  6. Sylvain Marveaux's chances of making it as a top-level footballer:
  7. Might only get half a dozen virgins if you don't.
  8. http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/the-simple-mathematical-reason-why-osbornes-strategy-will-lead-to-financial-ruin-a6944151.html You can't trust Labour with the economy
  9. In all seriousness, better than Harrow for what you're after, I'm quite sure.
  10. It's got a Belushi's that'll be right up your alleyway.
  11. CT will set fire to them and keep posting the photo until someone pays attention.
  12. Aye, I'm always a bit wary of staying with someone with no reviews, but if everyone felt the same then no one new would ever get anyone staying with them, so...
  13. Politically ignorant, that fella.
  14. Let's hope the team is better at skullfucking than Stevie is at boycotting.
  15. I'm interspersing these with Bananarama's Greatest Hits this morning. Spotify is the best.
  16. Bet they're big Top Gear fans too.
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