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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Starting to look like the Orlando shooter may have been a repressed Mohammosexual himself. Exactly the kind of well-balanced individual you'd want to be arming.
  2. Can we just take a moment to reflect on the fact that ITV's round-up show is called "Le Petit Highlights"?
  3. https://twitter.com/TheCharlieBanks/status/742420212822183936/photo/1 Canny turnout. Be lovely if this kind of thing would stop being necessary though.
  4. You know what, I'm starting to think that what applied in the times of the founding fathers might not be altogether relevant to 21st-century America.
  5. I've finally put some money on Leave, if only as a back to lay.
  6. It's spectacularly pitiful. The only consolation is they'll hopefully all have forgotten to apply for postal/proxy votes.
  7. He weighs fewer kilograms than pounds, so you'd think he'd be all for European integration.
  8. Unless we'd all come out for leave, in which case... But in all seriousness, I think he could be a bellwether for how this is all going to turn out. People are conditioned to be fundamentally Eurosceptic and Remain is doing a lousy job of illustrating the areas where they shouldn't be. No wonder the campaign isn't catching fire.
  9. It's not right for every body shape, obviously, but it can have some indicative value. Getting a grip on calories in vs. calories out is far more important though. Once you realise a 12-pint session is your entire recommended daily calorie intake in beer form, for example, it tends to put things in perspective a bit. (Don't worry, I won't get started on crisps)
  10. Standard procedure on Russian "Your Face Sounds Familiar".
  11. Loving all the Euro 96 nostalgia at the minute. Just look at that programme cover. http://thesetpieces.com/features/nedved-berger-bamber-bridge-czech-republic-warmed-euro-96/
  12. They'll turn up in the Materialism thread within the month, you watch.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/jun/08/iceland-stunning-rise-euro-2016-gylfi-sigurdsson-lars-lagerback?CMP=share_btn_tw Cracking longread about Iceland. They scrub up all right too. https://twitter.com/UEFAEURO/status/740215695229734912/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw Bet they finish bottom of their group after all the hipster hype.
  14. https://twitter.com/AnomieGeog/status/740295972799008768/photo/1
  15. http://www.thedailymash.co.uk/news/health/hangovers-now-include-terrifying-existential-dread-discover-over-35s-20160608109398
  16. Donald is haked off with the EU. He doesn't believe we have a plaice in Europe. Cod forbid we remain.
  17. That's why I think focusing on the fear factor is counterproductive; we can suspect (and I'm reasonably sure Brexit would do us more than a little harm - Paris and Frankfurt are already rubbing their hands) but we can't know. I'd love to see it framed more in terms of the positive side of the concept, i.e. even *if* we accept it doesn't matter hugely either way at a financial level, the question is whether we want to shape and be part of the greatest peacetime project of the continent where we actually live, exercising the role of a world power, or not. But of course you can't frame it like that because too many people have been conditioned to be suspicious of "Europe". In any case, Brexit just feels like a massive lack of ambition - insular in every sense - and I think we should be better than that as a country in the modern world, so that's at the heart of me voting remain as much as any economic considerations really. Also my mam's Swedish and she'd smack me.
  18. I'm starting to think we might shoulder-shrug our way into leaving. The arguments on either side are so relatively unprovable that I don't see why it'd motivate don't-knows to move in either direction, and those who want to leave are more likely to get out there and do it. Hoping for a late move towards safety and the status quo à la Scotland, but we'll see...
  19. I can get behind that. It'll be more sanitised now but hopefully the edges shouldn't have been blunted too much yet. Meanwhile, I've just booked a few days in southwest Wales starting from the day after the EU referendum. Not intentional timing, but if it does all go tits up, it might be best to be tramping round some deserted coves in the middle of nowhere with only some seabirds to shout at.
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