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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. They should be worried whatever happens next week, really - this whole thing must be an eye-opener for them in terms of how vast swathes of the population really feels about them.
  2. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    Full? Are they made of money in there?
  3. The whole Leave "manifesto" thing is fascinating. The people railing against "unelected" politicians in Brussels are essentially planning a coup if they win. Fun times.
  4. I was fucking delighted mind. When the fifth goal went in I half expected the neighbours to call me an ambulance.
  5. Doesn't seem like much of a van if you need a taxi to get anywhere.
  6. Neither have the people who made the list, I absolutely guarantee it. They should have Nagorno-Karabakh on there too.
  7. This is the kind of thing the remain campaign is up against. And still they don't seem to feel the need to actually campaign. No wonder we're going to leave.
  8. And Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the USSR haven't turned up with kits at all. It's just not right.
  9. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    Ben Folds Eighty-Five.
  10. The football is especially beautiful now that Brazil are out.
  11. Meenzer

    Gigs 2024

    Bryan Adams is pro-Brexit, by the way. Not even kidding.
  12. They'd just roll their eyes and tut at each other from a safe distance.
  13. The Brexit concert has been cancelled.
  14. Maybe they secretly hate themselves as much as they hate Lithuanians.
  15. They're now saying his wife knew he was planning the attack and "tried to talk him out of it". Aye, cheers for the effort.
  16. Well-worked first too. Can't say they don't deserve it. This probably means Iceland will lose 8-0 now.
  17. First Belgium, now Austria. Tear-sodden football hipster beards abound.
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