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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. If you don't mind a long read, a friend of a friend wrote this: https://medium.com/@darryl1974/how-roland-duch%C3%A2telet-and-katrien-meire-are-killing-charlton-athletic-dc8a9ed7e91c#.ct1w47nmj (and obviously they actually did get relegated in the meantime)
  2. They're being completely mismanaged from top to bottom, basically.
  3. The fact he actually turned up and didn't withdraw with a mystery injury/case of "food poisoning" is a miracle in itself...
  4. Only five women had gone sub-30 before today. Another four did it in that race, and the fourth one doesn't even get a medal for it. Life is harsh.
  5. Previous world record was dodgy as fuck so it's nice to have it off the books, though obviously you just have to keep your fingers crossed about this one, especially given how much she blitzed it by. Phenomenal performance if clean though, never seen anything quite like it.
  6. Not in Sochi or Iran or Fiji, mind you. Some fertile markets for Barilla right there.
  7. Seemed to hit harder in the States I think, maybe they're more of a presence there. Obviously it found its way into my Twitter etc. at the time because of the kind of deviants I follow, but it wasn't exactly a mainstream interest thing. Bit like this whole Daily Beast/Grindr/Olympics story yesterday I guess.
  8. They're pretty good, aye (and the company seems to have largely got past the whole anti-gay controversy, although I'm a hypocrite so it wouldn't have stopped me ). Grilled some courgette strips on the Foreman and stirred them through pasta with the above today - spot on.
  9. No idea. Wouldn't exactly be hard to recreate, though. Perfect finger (well, full hand) food for a Yorkshire-based gathering, one might even say...
  10. https://www.facebook.com/TheFoodBibleLB/photos/a.996913113664965.1073741827.996909263665350/1060390310650578/?type=3 Taking English tapas to the next level.
  11. That'd be quite funny. BAU as millions of Poles and Lithuanians still choose not to flock to Sunderland.
  12. I was surprised to discover after 15 years of basically never driving that I'm still okay at parallel parking (it's one of the very few things I didn't get minor marks for on my test ), but I'll always drive to the far end of a supermarket car park if it means avoiding other cars.
  13. https://twitter.com/thhamilton/status/763438058826063873/photo/1
  14. "48 Years Later, The Real Story That Already Emerged Years Ago Emerges Again" The internet nowadays, I tell you... Snarkiness aside, you're absolutely right though, it's a brilliant story. So many yarns spun from the Olympics over the years - I could get lost in this series for hours https://www.theguardian.com/sport/series/50-stunning-olympic-moments
  15. Wonder how long it'll take for CT to dig up one of these: http://www.bradford.co.uk/brexit-coin.html
  16. Bit harsh, he's just got a different view on a footballer than you.
  17. Aye, he's fine. Lost most of his possessions, but unhurt and holed up in the German embassy waiting for a replacement passport. Apparently the only injuries people got were from jumping from the bus before it went up in flames. He's never been one for Dalaman or Disneyworld, and some of the photos from the first part of the holiday were spectacular, but I would tend to agree with you on balance.
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