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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I sometimes get the impression that making the passport cover blue again would be enough to ensure a Remain win if we had a revote.
  2. Please tell me they involved Varoufakis.
  3. He sounds good, they should give him a go at the England job
  4. That's not a "flaw", it's right there in the terms and conditions. I read them so I don't see why others can't............................................. Not particularly using it for the bonus anyway tbh, it's just an easy way of getting a 2.25%+ return on instant access funds. Not really in a position to tie anything up for longer to earn more, lovely though that would be.
  5. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/sep/03/margaret-thatcher-would-not-have-supported-brexit He couldn't have mentioned this, ooh, three months ago?
  6. Meenzer


    Not saucy at all so roti deployment probably more effective.
  7. Meenzer


    Made this tonight for the first time in a while: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/461642/keema-with-peas It was keemasexually good.
  8. I quite like the idea of camping in theory, but you can still drive to the middle of nowhere and eat, drink and make merry in the great outdoors all night before retiring to a tastefully appointed airbnb cabin to actually get some sleep.
  9. I'm surprised they needed as long as a second.
  10. I'm starting to understand why those Fathers 4 Justice protests so often involve men dressed in superhero outfits.
  11. *sigh* I swear this used to be a nice part of town... http://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/caf-customer-calls-police-after-he-was-served-the-wrong-type-of-tea-a3335251.html
  12. Just opened a Help to Buy ISA, mainly for the comparatively decent interest rate than any crazy notion of ever being able to buy in London. I'd forgotten about this glorious Rob-ism.
  13. That has to be an American porn star name.
  14. Decent riposte http://standardissuemagazine.com/in-the-news/how-to-talk-to-a-woman-who/
  15. Decent 404 pages of our time: http://www.libdems.org.uk/gemmillhunglikechinesemouse
  16. Common mistakes #3: "Allowing her to take control of the interaction" Fuck off, wannabe rapist.
  17. "I haven't come here to be miserable, but I'm going to look it anyway."
  18. Hope you had A NICE DAY
  19. I once dated a lad whose nickname was ares wizard.
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