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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Unless it's an idea involving a female with agency, in which case fuck 'em.
  2. Had another wave of them because him indoors is a bit younger, but that also seems to be - ahem - drying up now. We're among the few dominoes left to fall...
  3. I think we're only going to one this year. Makes a blessèd change.
  4. Read this a while back, it's quite entertaining (if you can say that given the subject matter): http://www.cracked.com/blog/isis-wants-us-to-invade-7-facts-revealed-by-their-magazine/
  5. I'm not pedantic, I just have standards. (And the fact that I've surely posted stories from the Mail before is entirely irrelevant.)
  6. Have you got a link from a decent newspaper or a decent news site?
  7. Don't worry Parky, they're not going to confiscate your penis. (yet)
  8. Off to Gothenburg in February. Should be lovely and toasty warm
  9. tl;dr version - "oh good, several more months of this thread"
  10. It is if you're terrified by your relationship with your own masculinity. Or something.
  11. We wouldn't be having this slowdown if the economy had priced in a slowdown by slowing down a bit earlier. Simple.
  13. That's London for you. Every shred of personality being gradually replaced by Singapore-owned flat-pack apartments.
  14. I was about to say that one appearance doesn't constitute a habit, then I realised who I was talking to. There was a Eurovision team on Only Connect last night, which is something I'd been meaning to get together since the first series but never got round to. They weren't proper fans, either.
  15. I can't say I'm altogether surprised
  16. Sounds canny though. I'm up for a week soon, but from the 17th, typically. Going to get along to some of this, though: http://www.internationalprintbiennale.org.uk/home.html
  17. "Bigg Market Toilets : Hidden History and New Opportunity?" Filth.
  18. Now you tell The Fish. (Well, now and the last decade)
  19. The polls were pretty mixed, just with that last-minute move towards Remain (which, if anything, might have led to Lazy Remainer syndrome).
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