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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I don't understand why Project Fear is still going when there's no referendum to be won.
  2. Co-director of football or some other such formulation, but aye. This from Caulkin: http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/newcastle-maths-geek-now-plotting-their-downfall-wdn7jdp6t
  3. Well, it is nearly https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Coming_Out_Day
  4. Aye, it's not like any hardcore Republicans are especially going to switch to Hillary now or anything, but you assume a lot of the more moderate Republican vote will just not turn out at all (or vote for a third-party candidate or a write-in) which is obviously effectively halfway to voting for Hillary anyway in such a polarised system.
  5. Or a discount Karrimor tent. 70% off!
  6. Meenzer


    A bottom on top? That's just the effects of denpressure.
  7. Meenzer


    They're the proper ones.
  8. Some men get wound up by the idea of women having agency in films, never mind in real life.
  9. Meenzer


    The first one makes me think of an insect thorax and the second one makes me think of the Pompidou Centre, if that helps at all
  10. Betting markets have swung back, in any case - I could cash out my bet on a Hillary landslide for a profit if I wanted, whereas it's been firmly in loss territory since her health scare. (Of course, Brexit Corbyn yadda yadda yadda)
  11. Race day tomorrow, so obviously I'm down with a cold. It's going to be (even more) grim (than it would have been anyway), but I shall drag myself up and drag myself around regardless. #PrayForMeenzer
  12. https://twitter.com/jamesswyer/status/784447996176044032/video/1
  13. Have they not been reading this thread?!
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37583187 BROKEN BRITAIN
  15. His middle name is Lascelles though. Now I'm torn.
  16. You're just allowing yourself to be taken in by Project Fear.
  17. We can make our own everything! http://laundry.reviewed.com/features/made-in-east-germany-when-communism-met-consumerism
  18. It's the early 80s again, we'll get out of this eventually, it'll just take a decade or more.
  19. They're all unsuitable too. But you're right, if that's how low the bar is set then let anyone have a go.
  20. On the plus side, our £-denominated contributions to the EU budget have gone up 15%, which means £400m+ a week for the NHS!
  21. Not that I've watched the show for years, but I love needlessly intricate writing about pop-culture subjects, so: http://popbitch.com/home/2016/10/05/finding-the-value-of-x/
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