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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. I see today's Brexit headline is basically "Dough-faced tubby Tory is opportunistic flip-flopper". We've known that on TT for years.
  2. I'll have you know this is Sainsbury's own-brand.
  3. "Bayonet the wounded all you like, Leavers, but the nation waits to hear your plans. You have the baton. Where are you going to run? Blaming The Guardian, blaming The Times, blaming fat British businessmen, blaming golf, Marmite, Japanese car bosses and the governor of the Bank of England, lashing out at the “doom-mongers” and “naysayers”, the “international bankers” who would “talk our country down”, as though the strong fundamentals of “the world’s fifth-largest economy” that you promised would power us easily through are now candles in the wind, snuffable by a handful of weedy newspaper columnists . . . blaming everyone and everything but your own lack of an agreed plan, is futile." More of this in the non-lefty-do-gooder press please. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/were-heading-for-the-biggest-crisis-since-suez-vhqxzcpl7
  4. A valid observation. I technically beat my one previous half-marathon effort by 38 minutes, but then being six stone lighter tends to help. (tl;dr Don't Drink And Run, Kids!)
  5. Right, so I'd been waiting to see if any of the official photos from run day were suitable to illustrate my heroic achievement, but unsurprisingly they're all terrible so I'll stick to text instead. Anyway, just wanted to say one last thankyou for all the generous support from Toontastic quarters. I managed to get around in just under 2 hours which was my pre-evil-manflu target, so I'm chuffed enough with that, and the fundraising went dead well too, thanks in no small part to you lot. You're all right, you know.
  6. You can understand why these are starting to spring up.
  7. Remembrance only counts if you do it exactly right.
  8. Should be possible to engineer it so Russia, the USA and Iran are in the same group, I reckon. Maybe with Colombia too, just for a bit of random nutjob threat.
  9. They keep sending peace ballads to Eurovision. Got to admire them.
  10. Well, I suppose at least this constitutes some kind of opposition: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/labours-170-brexit-questions-tories-9028265
  11. If you wanna be my lover, you gotta let me grab you by the pussy.
  12. All this relentless negativity from Bremoaners is making Project Fear come true. Where's the bulldog spirit?
  13. "Now 10p cheaper than the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror - and ten times better!". For fuck's sake. We're being demonised by a bunch of eerily powerful eight-year-olds.
  14. "Scumbag tabloid kicks down at minority group" is hardly anything new, but it's interesting they (as well as the Express) now feel empowered enough to go after pretty much the largest minority group the country's got to offer.
  15. It could be worse https://twitter.com/SkySportsStatto/status/785933216989515776/photo/1
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