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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Finally, a Christmas jumper I can commit to: https://teespring.com/eu-christmas-jumper#pid=378&cid=100090&sid=front
  2. There's that too of course. Mind, I'll gladly wear a Santa hat to our Christmas parkrun if only to distract from how much of a twat I look when I'm running. Now that is practical.
  3. I'm totally on board with that actually. You can get a hat from a pound shop and chuck it away again afterwards, a jumper costs more and you have to waste valuable wardrobe space on it unless you want to buy a new one every year
  4. Creating jobs for British craftsmen, right there.
  5. I'm sorry I'm getting older too, so: accepted
  6. Thanks everyone. Tell Ryder's mam I'll be round later with the poppers and an Erasure best of.
  7. It's got names. It's got the best names.
  8. https://twitter.com/RealAdamRose/status/798973443492302848/photo/1
  9. Which requires a change of leader, which won't happen until after a devastating general election loss that leaves them in an appalling position for a new leader to take on anyway. Article 50, Catch 22.
  10. The Brexit vote of football clubs, basically?
  11. Are they the ones who refuse to recognise the legitimacy of the current German state while happily claiming unemployment benefit from it? They're fun.
  12. I'm sure he'll do great things for the motorways.
  13. Ryder would be utterly baffled by the concept of teetotalism mind
  14. I want the next place to be long-term, if not necessarily "forever", but I suppose you never know what your neighbours are going to be like.
  15. This plus its comment thread are a decent read.
  16. Dude needs to liberate his virginity.
  17. Liberal elites hating on the ordinary white man again.
  18. In the original "Sim City" back in the day, you could cheat the game into giving you more money by setting your city's tax rate to 0% from January to November, thereby enticing loads of people to move to your city, then whacking it up to the maximum 20% right at the end of the year. The game would then give you the money for your inflated population as if the rate had been 20% all year. Slash to 0% again in January, and repeat. Someone was obviously taking notes.
  19. Džeko red card against Greece tonight. https://twitter.com/CB_Ignoranza/status/797913222812573696/video/1
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