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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Is that for real? "(pity about the terrifying debt)"?
  2. I wouldn't, you should see the state of her Rowlands Gill.
  3. https://twitter.com/brianklaas/status/801369810709909504/photo/1 I reckon that clears everything up.
  4. 20 years on... http://thelab.bleacherreport.com/finding-ali-dia/
  5. Which means we're about to be comprehensively censored by the UK government. Enjoy TT while it lasts.
  6. They've basically elected Mike Ashley.
  7. When you're teetotal, everything is your cup of tea.
  8. Apparently so. And they must think I'm too metropolitan liberal elite to slum it in Nottingham.
  9. They've not bothered inviting me this year.
  10. I'll say one thing, at least they've lost their much-complained-about FPTP bonus now. Electoral Calculus has them at 26.5% of the vote and 26.7% of the seats next time round - perfect! The Tories, on the other hand...
  11. I'm sure Farage and UKIP will be condemning this attempt by a foreigner to dictate our politics, anyway.
  12. https://www.good.is/articles/what-trumps-wall-looks-like Nerdtastic
  13. That'll be the comfortably-off liberals' fault too, I imagine.
  14. Well look who it is: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/staggers/2016/11/conditions-labours-previous-successes-are-falling-apart-where-do-we-go
  15. The MSM is just the PLP for SJWs
  16. He acts like that's some kind of new and revolutionary insight though. As opposed to HOW IT'S LITERALLY ALWAYS BEEN. Pure teenage bedroom posturing to match his mum-it's-SO-unfair body language.
  17. Well it is nearly Christmas. Got to give them something.
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