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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Got engaged recently. Still beardy.
  2. Aye, pretty much that. Working from home helps too. Eight hours of uninterrupted Spotify goodness.
  3. That's more like it. Wonder if my folks still have their recordings of the 1984 and 1985 charts of the year (on C-120 tapes, the most fragile substance known to man).
  4. In my experience the key to a good Greek taverna is a scary big woman with a spoon keeping the head honcho in check behind the scenes.
  5. Got briefs for that for my birthday. Should be a good film.
  6. Ah, the timeless beauty of the "as long as, the longer" rhetorical device.
  7. In any case, if it wanted to an independent Scotland could presumably continue as a de facto EU member in all but name until the situation was resolved. An Andrex-soft Jockxit.
  8. He was coached by that Barry Bennell, apparently. Not that that's an NUFC link other than through Speed's playing history, mind.
  9. And one of them is Andy Carroll. I have no point to make, it's just fun to remember that sometimes.
  10. In that case it really is business as usual. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Project Fear!
  11. I'm in town this weekend and not going to the match. Soopafan tbh
  12. That's the thing. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with what he says here: ...but would you trust a toxic brand like his to define "just and fair" in a way that's actually useful to our current problems?
  13. I know we're supposed to be all about understanding and reaching out to the other side now, but seriously, how thick are people?
  14. Is that for real? "(pity about the terrifying debt)"?
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