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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. In fairness, the autobahns are pretty ace too.
  2. That's kinda what they do, yeah.
  3. Meenzer


    Made this as a side dish for some marinated chicken tonight. Dead easy (whack it all in the wok) and a nice blend of coconut sweetness with earthy savoury flavours. (Parp.)
  4. I had a wee nibble at him when he was still 22/1 for next leader. That'd require Labour to act in their own interest, though, so I'm not overly hopeful.
  5. The distinction between "SJW" and "normal decent human being" is a blurry one sometimes.
  6. Poor little snowflake. Good Morning Britain is meant to be his safe space.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/football/picture/2017/jan/24/david-squires-on-football-in-the-age-of-president-trump?CMP=share_btn_tw
  8. The off-season is the period between the end of the Eurovision final and the first night of Festivali i Këngës in December, and I will not have the term used any other way.
  9. SAD is how you say USA in Serbian, Croatian etc. Always amused me. Well, a bit.
  10. Really looking forward to Trump's first tweet on that account later today. If it doesn't involve at least one use of ALL CAPS and a declarative single-word payoff, I'll be mightily disappoiinted.
  11. Bit of music for your morning coffee, lads. https://twitter.com/ghostsmut/statuses/822361015979388929
  12. Although Zimbabwe did once have Energy Murambadoro as their first-choice keeper so there's a bit of perspective for you
  13. Saivet just scored a cracking free kick.
  14. Could have made it "Irony May-dy". Opportunity missed.
  15. Turns out he is good for something after all.
  16. Something else for us to export along with jam and biscuits
  17. When does the willy waving end?
  18. Still, fewer Polish small businesses to offend the sensibilities of the good people of Stoke and Boston, so at least there's that.
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