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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Then we're all fucked anyway.
  2. Lots of morally repugnant things are financially successful. I still think it's okay to call them morally repugnant.
  3. In fairness, the autobahns are pretty ace too.
  4. That's kinda what they do, yeah.
  5. Meenzer


    Made this as a side dish for some marinated chicken tonight. Dead easy (whack it all in the wok) and a nice blend of coconut sweetness with earthy savoury flavours. (Parp.)
  6. I had a wee nibble at him when he was still 22/1 for next leader. That'd require Labour to act in their own interest, though, so I'm not overly hopeful.
  7. The distinction between "SJW" and "normal decent human being" is a blurry one sometimes.
  8. Poor little snowflake. Good Morning Britain is meant to be his safe space.
  9. https://www.theguardian.com/football/picture/2017/jan/24/david-squires-on-football-in-the-age-of-president-trump?CMP=share_btn_tw
  10. The off-season is the period between the end of the Eurovision final and the first night of Festivali i Këngës in December, and I will not have the term used any other way.
  11. SAD is how you say USA in Serbian, Croatian etc. Always amused me. Well, a bit.
  12. Really looking forward to Trump's first tweet on that account later today. If it doesn't involve at least one use of ALL CAPS and a declarative single-word payoff, I'll be mightily disappoiinted.
  13. Bit of music for your morning coffee, lads. https://twitter.com/ghostsmut/statuses/822361015979388929
  14. Although Zimbabwe did once have Energy Murambadoro as their first-choice keeper so there's a bit of perspective for you
  15. Saivet just scored a cracking free kick.
  16. Could have made it "Irony May-dy". Opportunity missed.
  17. Turns out he is good for something after all.
  18. Something else for us to export along with jam and biscuits
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