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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. https://twitter.com/MrSammyJames/status/832156903916576768/video/1
  2. In a statement that began "I am and always have been the father of Paul Nuttall"
  3. Social media is crucifying him. So he'll obviously win. That's how it works nowadays.
  4. Prince's stuff is on Spotify now so that's my morning sorted.
  5. Plus you'd like to think people are more inclined to report it these days. No idea if that's actually true though.
  6. His father, who is and always has been his father, can confirm it.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/feb/10/ukip-leader-paul-nuttall-denies-lying-about-being-at-hillsborough-disaster?CMP=share_btn_tw He'll probably still win.
  8. That's pretty much why an England bid with games at SJP would have been a no-go even if we'd ever had a chance of getting the nod IIRC - city centre stadiums don't lend themselves well to exclusion zones...
  9. I'm sure this is fine.
  10. He's seen my lasagna recipe and realised his future lies in Lewisham. Good lad.
  11. On the left? Remarkable if there's anything in this.
  12. Wouldn't work. Every card is the best card.
  13. Is he channelling https://twitter.com/dog_rates/ ?
  14. As if he won't destroy them anyway.
  15. I'd quite like to be able to withdraw from the world.
  16. I see Farage and Dacre think we're enemies of the people again, good good.
  17. I've always liked the Latvians.
  18. Some kind of pork-avoider, anyway.
  19. And still the Lib Dems get no credit for their role in the coalition.
  20. Mere death is too good for him. Impeachment, bankruptcy, public humiliation then death.
  21. Off to Lanzarote again in May for the usual jaunt with the Eurovision gang. Getting a bit repetitive now, but there's only so many places tend to have villas big enough and direct flights from all over the shop.
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