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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Tends to be less of an issue in Tenerife, aye.
  2. Considering they're at Michael Foot levels of unpopularity, yeah, it might well be.
  3. That whole region man. I've got gay friends who swear by Dubai as a destination despite the fact that they're literally illegal there. It's all very well saying "different rules apply to locals and foreigners" - that's broadly true, of course (and not something people should really be turning a blind eye to either), but cases like this show you can easily fall into the trap anyway.
  4. I'll go with that if I can't persuade Sweden to give me a passport, aye.
  5. I wonder how many self-employed Tories are up in arms this morning.
  6. Been trying that with Spotify since they decided to remove everyone's inboxes and messages without telling them in advance, but no joy as yet. Nerd rage!
  7. 910 comments below the line and counting. Their reviews tend to get 5-10, tops. Job done.
  8. Pretty sure that's where I learned several of those words!
  9. I'm sick and tired of being lectured by virgins on YouTube.
  10. First full episode. Delighted with how it's turned out so far.
  11. They literally forced ordinary Germans to become Nazis.
  12. Make America So Again
  13. Is that the one full of conspiracy-theory videos made by terminal virgins?
  14. Perhaps the Tinkerbell Party could take flight.
  15. I suggest the Liberal Socialist Democrats, or LSD for short.
  16. One of the key differences, it seems to me, is that Tory voters seem happy to vote for a version of the party that isn't necessarily a perfect match for their own personal ideology. Which automatically gives them a massive advantage.
  17. He didn't have a problem with Edwina.
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