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Everything posted by Meenzer

  1. Yep, that would be her argument, and with the opinion polls showing 40%+ for the Tories and a residual 10%-ish for UKIP, if that's repeated in a GE (even before we get to the landslide the Tories would get seat-wise under FPTP) then they can absolutely go ahead with the "overwhelming will of the people" line like they have with the 51.8% from the referendum. Fun times.
  2. Birmingham have replaced Zola with... Harry Redknapp.
  3. A good half-cast these days is hard to find.
  4. I suppose if Azerbaijan and the Aliyevs can do it...
  5. And CT will be logging in and reading but not posting.
  6. We met in late 2008. It all makes sense now.
  7. This is what I was perusing fwiw. Even if you're not into walking I presume the routes correlate with the more impressive scenery so you can just rock up in your car instead.
  8. I was just looking at walking routes in that neck of the woods actually, with a view to having a stomp around somewhere British again later in the year. Didn't come to any especially useful conclusions though. Sorry. Think it's time to properly rediscover Northumberland first. Matlock and the bit around there looks pretty lovely in parts though.
  9. I mean, the fact they invaded Crimea should make things pretty obvious. And yet...
  10. (It's an obvious meme, but I do enjoy it. )
  11. I keep meaning to do Peckham parkrun but I suspect I'd only end up tutting at how hot it must be to run with a lumberjack beard.
  12. This is why we want the Bakerloo extension. Lewisham isn't wacky enough.
  13. Should have gone with "boncentration bamps".
  14. This is excellent. Both the genuine offers of help and some of the pisstakes. The internet at its finest. https://twitter.com/hashtag/bedforawayfans
  15. https://twitter.com/mrjimBob/status/851883609908760578/photo/1
  16. My none-more-liberal parents like it. If I didn't want their house there'd be ructions.
  17. I'll take most slurs against my name but that is where I draw the line.
  18. Anyway, here's some politics we can all agree on.
  19. Never knowingly gone into coalition with one either, but then I did go to a plate-glass university.
  20. You take messageboards too seriously.
  21. It hasn't worked in all of human history, but who knows, maybe this time. (I'm quite enjoying this Social Injustice Warrior lark.)
  22. Let's bomb them, then they'll long for the days when all they had to worry about was rich people.
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